
The ReframeBot is designed to have clear and easy ui/ux. Here are some settings users can change.

Slippage: The difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is actually executed. This discrepancy can occur due to market volatility and the time lag between when a trade is initiated and when it is completed. Higher slippage might be helpful to execute faster trades in highly volatile market movements.

Fees for Osmosis Bot : Higher transaction fees can prioritize your transaction in the network, leading to faster processing and execution.

Fees for TON Bot: DeDust and Ston fi DEXes apply fees for each swap transaction to cover gas costs and maintain seamless exchange operations. However, our bot allows you to customize this fee. You can set the fee within a range of 0.15 TON to 0.3 TON, providing flexibility to optimize costs according to your needs

Last updated