👋Welcome to ReframeBot!

Your ultimate multichain trading companion.

Trading on EVM chains and Solana has been fun. We now invite users to expand their activity beyond.

We're happy to announce our journey through different ecosystems, beginning with Osmosis and TON. This is just the start. As we progress, we'll be integrating more chains and features, broadening your trading landscape.

ReframeBot Osmosis is the first and currently only telegram bot for trading any token on osmosis.zone.

ReframeBot TON aggregates the best pools from two biggest DEXes on TON ensuring users get the most optimal swaps executed quickly and efficiently.

Website: https://www.reframe.bot

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReframeBot

TON Bot: https://t.me/TONReframeBot

Osmosis Bot: https://t.me/OsmosisReframeBot

Community: https://t.me/ReframeBotCommunity

Announcements: https://t.me/ReframeBotAnnouncements

Last updated